Welcome to KODAK Photo CD Access Software! This file contains an overview, feature description, installation instructions, configuration and operation recommendations. OVERVIEW KODAK Photo CD Access Software provides a familiar, menu-driven interface that allows near photographic-quality images stored on Photo CD discs bearing the Photo CD symbol to be displayed, manipulated, and exported to existing software applications. You will find many ways in which to use the photographs. You can use them in * Word processing and desktop publishing software * Painting, drawing, graphics, and presentation packages * Database and development tools * Other applications that support bit-mapped color or bitonal gray-scale images In addition to the Photo CD disc included with Photo CD Access Software, you can take your negatives or film to a photofinishing service and have your own photographs placed on new Photo CD discs. Each new disc has the capacity to hold 100 or more images. On-line Help describes all Photo CD Access Software operations in detail. FEATURES Photo CD Access Software lets you * Load photographic images stored on a Photo CD disc * View the stored photos on a contact sheet * Select and display a single photo or a set of photos * Edit a displayed photo by cropping, changing the size (resolution), color settings, and orientation * Copy an original or edited photo to the Clipboard as a bitmap * Export an original or edited photo to a file in one of the following formats: .BMP .EPS .PCX .RIF .TIF .WMF INSTALLING PHOTO CD ACCESS SOFTWARE Photo CD Access Software requires MICROSOFT Windows 3.0 or later running standard mode or enhanced mode. Minimum Configuration Recommended Configuration 386 IBM PC or compatible 486 IBM PC or compatible 4+ MB RAM 8+ MB RAM 4+ MB hard drive free disk space 8+ MB hard drive free disk space 12 MB Windows swap file 24 MB Windows swap file VGA adapter & compatible monitor 24-bit video card & compatible monitor CD-ROM XA drive Mode 2 CD-ROM XA drive Mode 2 Using the Windows Program Manager to install 1. Insert Photo CD Access Software & Photo Sampler disc into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Use the File menu and choose Run. In the command line, type [d]:\windows\setup where [d] is the letter designating the CD-ROM drive. Click OK to begin the setup process. OR, Open the Windows File Manager. Change to the CD-ROM drive containing the Photo CD Access Software & Photo Sampler disc. Double-click the directory WINDOWS. Double-click the file SETUP.EXE to install. 3. Click OK to continue setting up Photo CD Access Software. 4. Type the path of the directory where you want to install the software, the default path is C:\ACCESS. After you specify the path, press ENTER. A progress indicator appears showing the progress of the files being copied. After all the files are copied, a message appears indicating successful installation. Click OK to remove the message. CONFIGURING YOUR MACHINE FOR OPTIMAL USE OF MEMORY Photo CD Access Software works with very large images. To optimize your system to work with large images, use disk caching. To enable disk caching with Photo CD Access Software: 1. Double-click the Photo CD Access Software icon to open the window. 2. Use the File menu and choose Preferences. 3. Increase the number in the Maximum size box in the Image Cache section of the Preferences dialog box. See Operating Recommendations, below, for image size requirements. 4. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box. 5. Use the File menu and choose Exit. You must exit Photo CD Access Software in order for the changes made to disk caching to take effect. When you start Photo CD Access Software, the new settings take effect and become the default. OPERATING RECOMMENDATIONS The best way to use Photo CD Access Software, particularly if your system memory is at the lower end of the recommended range is to work with smaller image sizes (wallet and snapshot) on your display. You can still export images at any size, since exporting does not make heavy demands on memory, only on available disk storage space. Photo CD discs store images at different resolutions. In order to display images, your system must have available a combination of RAM and disk caching larger than the size of the images. The following list shows the five supported resolutions and the approximate amount of memory required to display each size. Resolution Approximate Size Wallet 2.5 MB Snapshot 3.0 MB Standard 7.5 MB Large 15 MB Poster 30 MB A contact sheet can take up to 4+ MB of memory to display if the Photo CD disc contains the maximum number of images. To save space, you may load an image without first loading the contact sheet. KNOWN PROBLEMS Exporting a portrait (tall) image as a Large size image, will incorrectly display the progress indicator. It will complete the export when the progress indicator is showing about half way. Exporting a portrait (tall) image as a Poster size image, will also incorrectly display the progress indicator. The progress indicator will start at 0%, and count up to 99%. Then it will return to 0% and stay there for several minutes. Then, it will count back up to 99% and complete the export.